How to Reset Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones

How to Reset Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones

Blackweb is Walmart’s private brand of electronics and includes the popular Blackwood Bluetooth headphones. Even though these headphones are good quality for a private brand, they do occasionally run into issues where you need to reset the device.

Resetting A Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones:

Follow the simple 3-step process below to reset your Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones.

Step 1

Unpair your Blackweb Bluetooth headphones from your device.

Step 2

Power off the headphones by pressing the power button.

Step 3

Hold down the power button for 5 seconds. The alternating red and blue lights will turn on, indicating that the device has been reset.

When Should You Reset Your Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones

As previously stated; the Blackweb Bluetooth headphones is a quality device and users rarely report issues. Unfortunately, they do occur and can take various forms, as mentioned below.

Possible Blackweb Bluetooth Headphones Issues:

  • Can’t connect over Bluetooth.
  • Frequently disconnecting.
  • Software not functioning correctly.
  • Audio quality not up to par.

It is also recommended that you reset your Blackweb Bluetooth headphones before you sell them, as well as reset them when you purchase a used Blackweb headphone.

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